The Aquarium Database Project

Discussion in 'General Aquarium Discussion' started by Turbo, Nov 17, 2012.

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  1. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    One of the big things I hope to accomplish with this site involves the creation of a database of tanks, regardless of whether or not there is an Algae Scrubber in use. Originally, I was thinking it should be only for scrubbed tanks, but from a scientific standpoint, this seems limiting. Also, including all forms of filtration opens this project up to a much wider array of possible data points.

    It will eventually be possible for anyone running a scrubber to enter information and various parameters about their entire system, and also log events, harvests, changes, test results, etc.

    Hopefully, this information will prove useful in truly refining the Algae Scrubber and maximizing it's performance for everyone. Together, we will likely find answers to complex questions, and will very well come up with a few new questions.

    I am currently looking for programmers who might be able to integrate this into vBulletin so that a user could have a thread dedicated to their system with a system summary at the top of the thread, and a user searchable database so people could find other users with similar setups.

    I have a few leads on developing such a solution, but if anyone out there knows of examples of his thus might already have been done, or knows someone who could do it, I'm all ears!
  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

  3. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I have been doing some searching around, and it does not appear (at least from doing a quick Google search) that anyone has ever attempted anything of this nature. Either that, or it really didn't go anywhere. Perhaps it is something that people saw as too ambitious, or no one participated. We have an active group of scrubber users, but like any group there are those that are active and those that are not so much (at least online)

    After thinking about it a little more, this is seeming more and more like a stand-alone product that would have an interface on the forum somehow. What would be really cool is if the information could be stored on the user's local computer and uploaded somehow, but I think making an application that is useable on all platforms (PC, Mac, Mobile, etc) might be a little complicated. Perhaps keeping it web-based is the simplest way to go, the integrating the user's name and password on the forum to the database somehow.

    Just thinking aloud here. Open for comments, ideas, and discussion.
  4. Drufish

    Drufish New Member Customer

    Not a programmer but this sounds interesting. Will keep an eye on this. Would give more input but am at the 11.5hr of a 12 hr night shift and the brain is a bit fried at the moment.
  5. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I threw a few feelers out but so far, zero interest. Maybe I'll start a thread on the scrubber site...perhaps a few more people on there with experience.
  6. GeriDoc

    GeriDoc New Member Customer

    About 15 years ago I had an NSF grant to develop an internet-based metabolic analysis database that would capture user-generated data and report to visitors in a variety of ways (specific reaction sequences, structures, inhibitors, etc.). The data resided on our server and only used the visitor for display of results, bypassing problems of MAC vs PC, etc. That sounds very much like what you are proposing. However, it was a huge undertaking that required two graduate students to do the coding in addition to a database administrator. Sorry, but I just don't have the time to work on such an interesting project at this time:(.
  7. data_loss

    data_loss New Member Customer

    I'm a programmer Bud. PM or email me more details and I'll look at it this weekend, when I haven't already had a few beers :beer:
  8. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    I have to put together a general specification for it at some point, but I'll shoot you an e-mail with the general concept
  9. comet

    comet New Member

    Hey Bud, I realize this is an old thread, but did this ever come to fruition? I am a programmer as well and would love to chip in any help needed to get this up. Feel free to PM me with details.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free
  10. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    No one wanted to help! Going to shift over to Xenforo anyways and at this point I'm way too busy to take it on...

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