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New Water Fall Scrubber with Violet LED only

Discussion in 'Algae Scrubber DIY' started by Kerry, Jan 10, 2016.

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  1. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

    Ok, I will dial it back down. I was on 8 hours due to no growth in the middle, then when I seen it start to get brown I thought it was not enough light.
  2. vereecjw

    vereecjw New Member

    Just joining to watch the thread.
  3. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

    Well I have some growth, I left it alone for 2 weeks, didnt even look at it LOL. I didnt dial it back either due to being lazy. Here are the picks of the first real cleaning. Also note I had a power outage for almost a full 24 hours in the middle of this growth period as well.
    Turbo likes this.
  4. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry Active Member Trusted Member

    Nice. How does that compare to what you'd previously expect with the other LEDs?
  5. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

    I would say its similar to the red blue combination. I think it took longer then I expected to get going. It needs a few more cleanings to see how its going to go. Its got more growth then I expected for a first cleaning so thats a good thing. With what I have seen so far I think (due to the slow start) I might need to add one red 660nm to each side possibly but time will tell. I am still hopefull that the all 420nm scrubber will work just fine.
  6. vereecjw

    vereecjw New Member

    This is really interesting.

    It goes against seemingly all other tests including the ones in hydroponic setups.
    Is there any sunlight hitting the scrubber?

    I apologize for looking for flaws, it is not meant to be rude, it is just a surprising and intriguing result.
  7. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

    I didnt take it as rude at all. Long story short, short version. It seems blue has always improved the LED scrubber then, my violet test added to the red was even more of an improvement so the next logical test for me was all 420-ish nm LED. Maybe a crazy idea but I had to try it seeing Chlorophyll A peaks at about 429nm and Chl B peaks at about 455nm. I had better improvements adding 420 then 450 so I went 420.
  8. MorganAtlanta

    MorganAtlanta New Member

    I put in an order for 16 430nm leds from LED Group Buy. I went with theirs over Steve's because of the 120 degree angle. I'll add these into my current scrubber that is a mix of 460nm and 4000k luxeons.
  9. Xtc_link

    Xtc_link New Member

    Any updates? :)
  10. Kerry

    Kerry Member Trusted Member Customer

    No, this 3 decade old 150G tank started to seep out of a bottom seem. Not sure what or when we will be doing. I thought about putting it on the 40G to keep it going.
  11. Xtc_link

    Xtc_link New Member

    Ohh wow, hope there wasn't any damage or loss.

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