Lights for algae scrubber

Discussion in 'Algae Scrubber DIY' started by Sunflyer, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. Sunflyer

    Sunflyer New Member

    Do you need some special kind of light for an algae scrubber or is any kind fine ? bulbs, led or whatever ?
  2. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Compact flourescents work, but you need to get or make a good reflector. 2700 kelvin 23 watts are popular, but you need to replace them every 3 months or so. I used them and then changed to cheap Chinese growlight LEDS and they work ok also. The best performing ones are the 660nm LEDS that Floyd uses in his scrubbers, but no doubt he will be along shortly to tell you more. Welcome btw :)
  3. Sunflyer

    Sunflyer New Member

    Thank you. I'm will have a look at ebay for those leds :)
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013

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