Freshwater Question

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Q&A' started by Wairter, Nov 17, 2015.

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  1. Wairter

    Wairter New Member

    Hi Turbo,
    This is a question for the exploring options section or fit section. I have a fresh water tank and have signed up on the L2. I wondering if I needed to feed the fish more than 2 cubes per day could I just clean it more than once per week? I have 2 rams, 11 cories, 3 lemon tetras, 4 neons in about 75+ gallons. I know they will be getting bigger down the road. Any suggestions? Thanks in advanced.
  2. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    You want to allow the algae to grow for as long a time as possible between cleanings, as the growth will accelerate over time (called exponential growth) so there is not really a good reason to cut that cycle short. That would actually result in poorer performance.
  3. Wairter

    Wairter New Member

    Ok, do you suggest the L4 then? Thanks.
  4. Wairter

    Wairter New Member

    What other kind of interesting stuff do you/others know regarding freshwater algae scrubbing?...who uses HOB filter in addition? :D
  5. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Sorry for the delay, busy couple weeks. Crashing out here...will post more tomorrow (bump if I don't post by mid day)
  6. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Sorry I didn't get back to you

    You can grow for a longer time period, or have a larger scrubber, or both. For freshwater, the algae grows thinner and finer, and tends to detach a little easier. I have one customer that has 3 units that he runs on freshwater cichlid tanks and he runs the lights 24/7 and gets pretty good growth and is able to keep water changes down to pretty minimal.

    I have heard that if you run a filter sock on the drain from the scrubber that it will turn green, so I'm not sure if FW scrubbers have more of a tendency to discolor the water, I don't hear a lot from people running freshwater scrubbers
  7. Wairter

    Wairter New Member

    I have a filter sock before my current algae scrubber(H20 running into a large vase, water going first into a filter sock then spilling over on the outside onto the screen with lights position outside and mirror on inside of the vase. :), and I get a little green on the sock where light isn't being blocked by the mirror but no green h2o.
    I think I will go with your L2 and run a HOB in addition if I feed a bit more. Thank you.

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