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    This area is designated for posting links to anything algae scrubber related

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Discussion in 'Algae Scrubber Thread Links' started by Turbo, Jul 12, 2014.

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  1. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    **This is a reference section**
    This area is designated for posting links to anything algae scrubber related
    Any discussion should be in new thread in the General Discussion sub-forum


    ^^ this one has many blog posts following his SURF2 scrubber
  2. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry Active Member Trusted Member

    In the video he says that he was told by the folks at SM filtration to up the hours from 20 to 22 per day.
    Seriously, like that is going to make any difference! Poor guy.

    It's such a flawed design. I wonder whether Bryan knows this or not, or just doesn't care as he's making money from selling them. Either way, it's poor form.
    Turbo likes this.
  3. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Yeah I don't know either, generally if you are having problems starting up an LED based scrubber that is usually because of too much light, and I see SM recommending using a shade cloth to remedy this (may even include them now) so upping the light seems to go completely against what I've heard.

    But, the SURF is a completely different style of scrubber and seems to not jive with any logic that applies to a waterfall unit or even a HOG for that matter. I know that I couldn't get mine to really do much of anything, had it running on a pond loaded up with corals and a few fish, lightly fed, high air flow, unit right in the path of water flow (sump), but N and P just kept rising as growth was stagnant.
  4. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry Active Member Trusted Member

    I think he does include them now, I watched one of his more recent videos a while ago and he had included it. I would have thought he could come up with something a bit more professional than just a black piece of cloth, but hey I guess it's cheap.

    Surely the problem with his scrubbers come down to the flow. Most tanks that are fed two cubes per day would generally be pretty large. Only having an air pump to cycle all the water in that tank through the scrubber is just ridiculous. Plus I think the bubbles do crap all. So a horrible turnover rate combined with poor nutrient exchange capabilities = a pretty useless scrubber.

    The LED's probably leave a bit to be desired as well (does he use Luxeon LED's)? Or just cheap ebay ones?

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