Crash's new setup

Discussion in 'Customer Support' started by crashmushroom, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    Changed my tank so new start with the l2 after a few days looks good green already duno if u can see it. Dont think it will be green as fast as last time but ill try floyd :)

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  2. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Looks very steamy in there.
  3. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    Inside the box yeah, its closed l2 so it gets steamy alright more so with the skimmer pump. Set it up 10 days ago with my old skimmer pump from my nac6 but it packed up so had to start again 2 days ago with a pump i borrowed until a figure a replacement out. No filtration for a good few days nitrates up to 25. But within 2 days its starting to show tiny bits of green so should be ok soon.
  4. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Condensation helps diffuse the light!
  5. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    Yeah its working a treat. Goin green in a few days.
  6. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    Well I still have your pic from 7 days from scratch, from when you first got your L2. I should post it.
  7. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    Alot slower this time but still no black or brown straight to green again strange huh.

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  8. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    Ph is steady at 8.15 never seems to change for me. Alk and calcium dropped over the last 14 days from alk 8 down to 6.7, cal 440 down to 400. So i think with the bubbles on the screen it seems to be in sync
  9. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    Day 8 clean or no clean?

    Attached Files:

  10. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Now your just showing off. I'd be tempted to leave it while it's that light green. There shouldn't be any problem with light getting to the lower layers at present.
  11. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    Yeah i think i will so its nice electric green but not as much growth as last time but still good anyway.
  12. Turbo

    Turbo Does not really look like Johnny Carson Staff Member Site Owner Multiple Units! Customer

    yeah I would let it grow a bit more, you can still see the screen so the lower layers are getting plenty of light.

    PS you are a show off, for the 2nd time. What is in your water in Ireland anyways man?
  13. Ricky

    Ricky Member Trusted Member Multiple Units! Customer

    Water?.. dont they have beer out of the faucets there?.. lol

    Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
  14. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    I'm not sure 90% of this country is green my tank is following suit I think :) yes plenty of beer here ;-)
  15. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

  16. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    Quality do u drink it. Have you ever tried Murphy's?
  17. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    No, but I think I will soon. I could do with a bit of Irish luck. Do you just tip it straight into your tank, or drink it first then then hose it in !! :)
  18. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    :) I prefer Murphy's myself but wouldn't refuse either. What part of UK are u in
  19. Garf

    Garf Member Trusted Member

    Right in the middle, about 20 miles from Birmingham. Couldn't live any further from the sea if I tried.
  20. crashmushroom

    crashmushroom Member Customer

    No way I was in Birmingham 2 week's ago.

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